Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Marty alarm

We need alarm clocks. Or at least I need one. A Marty proof one.

I did my usual asleep at 6:30 up at 2:30 thing last night. But I also, as I sometimes do when a road trip does not beckon, decided to take a nap around 5:00. You can't beat that second sleep let me tell you. Anyway, I also wanted to start my morning walks again, so I set an alarm for 6:45, sunrise being 7-ish this morning. I need to get my boots back to walkin'.

The alarm goes off and I think I hit snooze.

I hit off. Consequently I woke up about ten minutes ago.

This sure puts the walk late, cause, you know, I gotta check e-mail and play games first. And get that first coffee. Can't forget that. 

So I'll walk later. Probably like tomorrow later but hey, I got a plan. And how much difference can one day make, am I right?

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