Sunday, March 14, 2021


Today, just a few hours ago, the clocks were reset for Daylight Savings Time. Personally, I wish they'd drop DST.

Part of it is selfish. As I like me morning walks, me daybreak constitutionals, I rather like the idea of heading out the door at 4:30 AM for a hike on the longest days of the year. It would be neat, don't you think?

But it's not all selfish. Did it occur to anyone that whoever has a birthday today is only getting a 23 hour celebration? Sure, in the fall there are those who get 25 hour birthdays. But that's the old robbing Peter for Paul thing when you think about it. There's not a decent quid pro quo to be seen.

And then, this year anyway, this is Pi Day: 3.14. Math wonks the world over have, you might say, a slice of their pi taken from them. It ain't right.

This is all on a Sunday no less, a day decreed to be a day of rest. We're only getting 23 hours to recharge for the coming week. And all of you with the 24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day refrigerator magnets? How's that working for you today?

We're being cheated on all fronts. I blame Biden, but blame Trump if you like. Because it's always the other guy's fault, am I right?

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