Friday, March 19, 2021

Nuisance calls

We all get nuisance calls I imagine. That's annoying enough by itself. But I get nuisance calls from people I might actually want to talk to, if they'd just give me a chance.

There are folks who call and will not leave a voicemail. Rather, they call three or four or even five straight times trying to make me answer. If you want to get on my bad side, that's how you do it.

Have you thought for an instant that maybe I have other things going on which prevent me from answering? That there might be very legitimate reasons why I can't answer immediately? Maybe I have a blowtorch in my hand, in the middle of working on a repair. Maybe I'm with another person. Maybe - and humor me on this - what you want isn't as important as you think. Maybe, with all due respect, you aren't the only person in my life, let alone the the one I most passionately wish to talk to at any given moment. Maybe I don't even owe you a reason, bub. Such is life.

If I don't answer leave a voice mail. If you are in dire straits (I do recognize that can be the case) could you give me a wisp of time, perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes, before you try calling back? It's a simple enough request. Especially as I don't have a lot of desire to return the calls of pests. Indeed, that may just delay a response from me, truth be told. 

I will get back to you as promptly as I can. Just give me a few minutes, that's all. It's called consideration.

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