Saturday, April 10, 2021

I wasn't going to crack this joke.

I wasn't going to crack this joke. I had indeed vowed, in the silence of my own mind, not to make the quip. In fact, I had put it in yesterday's blog but edited it out, wanting to keep that missive reasonably happy go lucky and vaguely wistful in tone. But I like the then edited remark too much not to share it after all.

If I may pontificate, not that any potential negative reply to that not actual request for an affirmative answer would stop me, I believe it is objectively funny. IF, and I mean this, if you have a sense of humor and are not too full of yourself. I say that last part because I have found there are folks out there who can't laugh at themselves. What they find important is far too critical for wit, dammit.

So here you are: and I've offered enough of a trigger warning that it's on you if you read it and are offended.

April brings out the best in sports for me. Baseball begins, while the Masters golf tournament arrives the second week of the month. The only thing that would make it better is if they moved the Masters from Georgia to Colorado.

That is objectively witty and a bit biting. But a lot of good humor has a grain of reality within it, don't you think?

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