Monday, April 26, 2021

Not my fault

I blame my kids.

They debit card just about everything. Me, I carried a debit card for several years but really only began using it extensively in about the last few months. 

Now I use it more than cash. And that irritates me, because I find I'll use it when I have the cash against a relatively small amount. I have to make myself use cash.

I took me Mom out as usual yesterday and I swore I would go cash only. I did, but it was, oddly, a challenge, especially when our purchase at McDonald's was only $4.95 (more on that tomorrow as there's a funny story over it). For cryin' out loud, give the guy at the window a five dollar bill, Marty. You have two!  

I managed to do it, but it was tougher than expected.

I get it: there's safety and security in using debit. But I'm still old school in many ways. One of those ways is that you pay cash for routine purchases, particularly small ones.

I blame the kids. It's what good parents do.

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