Thursday, April 1, 2021

The April Fool

Today is April Fool's day. I'm not entirely sure how the First of April became a day of jokes and pranks, but, as I trust you know, it is.

I've been told that the term April Fools comes from those who would not accept it when the Romans changed the calendar, taking the first day of the year from April and assigning it to January. Okay, it sounds like a good story. But I'm too lazy right now, even as I sit at my computer and could readily do a search to check this presumed factoid out, to verify that. 

One supposes that those supposed April Fools were the first victims of chicanery. Something perhaps like, if you're so stupid that you still think the new year is April 1, what else will you fall for? It's a thought.

As for me, I will tell no jokes nor pull any pranks today. I have a long day on the road where my time will be better spent. No pranks from me today.

I mean it. I'm spending the day seriously. Have a good one.

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