Saturday, October 16, 2021

Mom's Marathon

"What are they putting out?" me Mom demanded of me brother Phil, watching a crew shoving signs into the curb in front of her house.

"The Detroit Free Press Marathon is Sunday. It's coming down our street," he explained as they sat on the porch. So no, it's not 'her' marathon, and obviously she's not participating directly. Still, it's an event, and events are cool, right?

Mom is surprisingly excited about it. I doubt she ever considered before exactly what a marathon is, other than knowing it's a long race. But now, she's looking forward to sitting on her porch tomorrow morning, a free front row seat to the annual Detroit Marathon. "I bet they'll like the Halloween decoration Sammy's (another of me brothers) put out," she opined. 

Sports never interested Mom, but the idea of watching the race from the catbird's seat really appeals to her. She's excited like a child. I hope the weather's great, and am myself happy for her. Not to get all sappy about it, but especially these last few years, I'm really happy when she's really happy.

Ella's right at mile three, runners. She'll be waving at ya.

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