Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Put up yer Duke's

I can be difficult to please. If when curling I need a draw through a port to grab a piece of the button, nothing less will do. But I can also be easy to please. In fact, I can be flat out childlike at times with how easily something pleases me.

At the local supermarket, University Foods here in Detroit, I stumbled across Duke's Mayonnaise. Folks in Michigan likely don't know about it, but it's a sandwich staple in North Carolina, where me Mom is from and I have a ton of extended family.

I couldn't buy it quick enough. I couldn't get home quick enough to make a ham and cheese sandwich with it. It was so good that I'm almost certainly going back to University tomorrow to buy another. Or, perhaps, two, if the best buy date is far enough into the future.

I haven't had Duke's in 35 years. Maybe it's nothing but sentiment talking, but it's really good. All that would make it better would be liver mush and Cheerwine (the best cherry pop I know and another North Carolina special). Liver Mush on white bread with Duke's mayo might be the best sandwich ever.

So I can be easily pleased. As such, finding Duke's out of the blue and right around the corner sure made my day.

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