Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Commercials Irritate Me: A Curmudgeon Story

I fully realize and completely accept that I'm old school. I will add, however, that I don't see anything wrong with that. Ain't that exactly what an old school old man would say?

What brings this on is a commercial which just played for the umpteenth time. It's the one where Little Caesar's pizza is promoting its new pizza calzone hybrid. Hybrids all are the rage these days, you know.

My thing is, if you want pizza, why don't you get pizza? Or, likewise, a calzone if you want that. Still, that leaves the question: aren't pizzas and calzones essentially the same thing anyway? The style is different but the substance is the same, so far as I can see.

And what's the point of all this choice? Really. Doesn't it all just run together and become a blur? That's sure what it seems like to me.

Get a pizza. Or get a calzone. I don't care. But don't talk to me about the hybrids. Because, I tell you what, you're just being played. They don't care about food innovation. They just want your money.

For the record, get the pizza. Better value. Yes, that's old school old man talking again. You should listen to him.

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