Wednesday, December 8, 2021

This Ukraine Mess

Inflation, an iffy economy, vaccine mandate attempts which are totalitarian (and thrown out by the courts), calls for more IRS agents (who will go after you, not the rich), and now saber rattling over Russia and the Ukraine. War after all is the go-to to a leadership which is failing. It might be just what the doctor ordered to shore up the Biden Presidency and the Democrats' chances in the 2022 midterms. I am galled that some Republican senators appear to support them in that.

Say what you want about Donald Trump, but he had the economy purring and he kept us out of new war (while supporting the troops already in action), the latter (no new wars) unheard of in the last hundred years or so of American History. But we can't have that. We can't have peace and prosperity. 

This Ukraine thing scares me. I see no real US geopolitical reason to get involved. I'm not saying Russia would be right to invade. I'm simply unconvinced it's a situation we should stick our nose in. 

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