Thursday, December 2, 2021

Tis the Season

Now that we are beyond Thanksgiving, let's welcome Christmas.

Of all the trappings of the Holiday season, what I like most is simply listening to carols. My favorite is probably (this is one those things which changes occasionally, depending on mood) 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing'. That's greatly sentimental because the Peanuts gang sings it at the end of their marvelous Christmas special, but it's still a great song.

As we all know there's tons of celebrity Christmas songs out there, and most of them are at least ok. I just heard for example Paul McCartney's 'Wonderful Christmas Time'. It's simple and sentimental, but infectious.

The Little Drummer Boy is classic, and let me tell you that of all people Bob Seger's cover is fantastic. He really nails the song. That's one that's on my list of maybe favorite. It's that good. And Bing Crosby and David Bowie's is right up there too. Talk about cross-generational; I don't know who's idea that was but it really works.

A list such as mine can't be complete without Silent Night. It's a carol which succinctly expresses what Christmas is all about.

I might ruminate more on this as Christmas grows nearer. But, for now, it's a good start.

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