Thursday, September 29, 2022

Depths of Feeling

We like to believe that we mature as we get older. I think that I've become a better, more considerate man as I get along. But we generally aren't the best judges of our own character either.

Still, experience does - or at least ought to - lead us to a greater understanding of ourselves and others. I can't recall ever feeling at all lost until the last few days. The feeling of aimlessness, of drift, is much more pervasive than I'd have guessed.

Monday, Tuesday I simply had no strong feelings about doing anything at all. I asked me son Charlie to handle the petitions during Mom's funeral Mass because I didn't think I could. It wasn't about not caring that she have a proper send off. I simply felt that the strength, the will, wasn't really there. I described the feeling to one person who asked as not having any 'giddyup'. I didn't want to move.

Of course I moved about a bit. You have to, to one degree or another. Things were easier to handle when I did, and as the days unfolded. But yesterday, Wednesday, I woke again with no honest desire to attempt anything. I managed to answer some emails and phone calls, and do a few small repairs at the Shop. That helped, yet each time I stopped I had to bull through the malaise all over.

Grief seems to have many and varied facets. I'm certainly and profoundly sad - at moments on the verge of an emotional collapse - but the very depth of feeling lost; I believe I can appreciate it all the more with the next person who tells me they are dealing with it.


Anonymous said...

This was very nice. I am also finding out that I cant seem to get the energy to do anything but small tasks. It is the hardest death I've ever had to deal with. I went to Moms wake service & almost made it to the Mass on Tuesday. I don't know what I was afraid of but more scared then Monday. As I was walking up to the long Church sidewalk I started getting dizzy so I turned on my oxygen/inogen tank but the battery died on me. Just another let down one after another. I kept saying "I need to do this".. As I was calming down getting my breath I got close to the Church door & heard that song "Amazing Grace" same song at Heathers funeral. Then I started getting a panic attack & felt like Mom would of pushed thru this but I just couldn't. I knew if I went in in there I would probably start crying & screaming loudly & would just embarrass myself. Some of us are like my Mom & built like steal, I am not So I just turned back & left. Sorry Mom

Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

Don't push yourself too hard or punish yourself. You do the best you can; Mom understands.