Wednesday, September 7, 2022

I Will, Will I?

I get voice messages. The bulk of them are clipped and straight to the point, which is what I want. Tell me your issue in the voicemail; it helps me know what to tell you when I call back. If I am aware of your question I can determine the answer before talking to you. Or develop a really creative lie.

Last week a fellow left a voicemail which I laughed at upon hearing it. I don't think he meant anything, but it was funny.

After giving a brief description of what he was looking for, he proceeded to finish with, "You will call me back at 555.5555." 

Oh, I will, will I? 

Of course I did. He didn't say it like an order either, it was simply in the flow of the message, merely his off the cuff choice of words. Still, it's funny.

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