Friday, September 16, 2022

Woodbridge Fishmonger

I know it still happens to a degree - Schwan's comes to mind, and I suppose ice cream trucks count - but it seems to me that there used to be a lot more neighborhood door to door food vendors. Twin Pines milk and dairy products used to ply their wares when I was a boy. I'm not sure Twin Pines even exists anymore.

I remember a fishmonger who used to come around regularly. Man, he had a voice; you could hear him blocks away. "Fer-esh, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish," he'd yell. "Fer-esh, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish." It was a booming tenor, I tell you. I hear it like yesterday.

Eventually I'd look up and there he'd be, bounding down the street with a bounty of freshly caught fish hanging by his side. Me Mom never bought any as I recall, but he must have done all right for himself. He came around for years.

That's it. That's my boyhood memory for today. I remember the fishmonger.

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