Thursday, September 15, 2022

Dollar For Dollar

I firmly believe that we ought to appreciate the little things in life. The older I get, the more the little things can seem, well, really little.

This past July as I spent a few days in Hessel in Michigan's glorious Upper Peninsula with the Ohio Cosgriffs, we took a day trip all the way to DeTour Village. For da UP, it wasn't much of a trip: a mere 28 miles each way from Hessel. But there was a rummage sale at Sacred Heart Church, and we all know that small town rummage sales are well worth exploration. So off we went, me happily spending me daughter-in-law's gas on the journey.

I bought something at the sale with someone else's money (me son or me daughter-in-law one, I forget; such great kids!) and then we stopped at the brand new DeTour Dollar General. Throughout the walk through the store all I could think was, 'This is one great Dollar General'.

A little thing, but it made an impression on me. But have I gone too far the other way? Should something as mundane as a small town variety store mean so much? Or am I just getting old?

Surely not that last question.

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