Friday, August 18, 2023

Self Rule

G. K. Chesterton was once asked what was wrong with the world. He famously answered, "Me."

P. J. O'Rourke, an Irishman of some note, wrote a delightful little book called What's Wrong With the World. His answer? Every one of us.

What do we make of this? Yes, they were being a trifle sarcastic. But were they on to a truth?

My answer is yes. We are what is wrong with the world. We are stupid. We are wasteful. We are selfish and rude and, well, all about us. Why should we expect the world to be better than we are?

We should not, of course. Yet somehow we expect that it will be. Why is that? 

I think it's because we know that the world can be better than what it is. And, that we can make it better than that despite ourselves. That's why Dr. Jordan Peterson says begin by changing yourself, by getting your own house in order. You can't rule the world. But you can rule yourself. Maybe, just maybe, we should start there.

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