This means of course that many days I'm regularly up (and even about a bit) at two or three in the morning. What do I do? All the things you might guess: channel surf, net surf, answer e-mails, drink that extra cup of coffee which I'm not supposed to, and even pen blogs (if penning is the correct adjective these computer driven days). But then I find myself drowsy at 5:30 or 6.
Typically I set an alarm for anywhere from 7:30-7:45. I can often catch a nap of an hour to an hour and a half. And I'll tell you what: that second sleep refreshes me more than the 7-8 hours I had gotten before. I wake up after my nap feeling better than I did after the full night's sleep. It's a great feeling. Especially as I've never really exhausted all my net surfing, blog penning energies anyway.