Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Buckley had it right

I have read in many places that liberals want tolerance, diversity, and inclusiveness. I do not believe them. The treatment of two Dons, Cherry and Trump, illustrate to me that they do not mean these things when they say them.

Don Trump is of course President of the United States. Don Cherry is a Canadian hockey icon who supposedly attacked immigrants by saying they ought to wear a poppy, a symbol in honor of Canadian war dead, to show their support of the fallen. He meant everyone ought to wear a poppy, but the hyper-sensitive among us won't consider that. You can read about it here if you like:

I honestly don't see where his comments were all that outrageous. Nor do I find all of President Trump's rants so outrageous as we are supposed to think. I think each of them could use better filters, yes. Yet I also think the left condescending and arbitrary about much of what Don and Don say.

The progressive left says it wants tolerance and an end to hype and hyperbole. Well, okay. But you might notice that they are unwilling to include the two Dons in their ever so inclusive and tolerant world. And it's quite convenient yet typical of the left to exempt non right wingers from the standards they hold against the President and Mr. Cherry. We can conclude from this that they are not really so tolerant, not really so inclusive, as they claim. Why else do they rarely offer examples of leftist intolerance (try speaking at a US university if a you're a conservative commentator) to substantiate their claim that we all need to be considerate, tolerant, of others?

The irony for me is that, as a conservative, I'm willing, indeed I admit, that I'm not interested in open ended diversity, inclusiveness, or tolerance. I believe there are lines in the sand which cannot be crossed if we hope to maintain a civil society. It's my progressive, leftist friends who proclaim that diversity and so forth are the cat's meow yet quite routinely act exclusive; witness the hubbub over Cherry while the Canadian PM is still in office despite appearing in blackface years ago. The direct and obvious inference is that liberals can't be racist because, well, liberal. It's hypocrisy, plain and simple.

The fact is the left does not want diversity: they want everyone to agree with them. The exact sin they regularly and disdainfully accuse the right of committing.

I'm sorry, but I have little, ahem, tolerance for that type of intellectual dishonesty. Bill Buckley had it right: the left says it wants diversity yet is shocked when it finds it. How quaint.

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