Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Miami Atlantis

We had six inches of snow yesterday here in Detroit, Michigan. If you can believe the weatherman. And I quite frankly have trouble believing him.

Last week at this time we weren't expecting any snow for November 11. Then it became about an inch, then one to three, then three to five, and four to six before finally, supposedly, getting six. This pattern seems to me to occur routinely. In the summer it involves rain and higher temperatures, but you get the point.

These are the things I think of when I hear all the fear and loathing about climate change. Miami is going to be under water in the year 2100, but you can't tell me Detroit will have a half foot of snow a week in advance. All of this with no consideration of whether we might be better off with Miami underwater, either.

Poor jokes aside, if you want me to believe what you say about climate change in the long run you'll need to improve on your ability to predict climate change in the short. Until then, call me skeptical - highly skeptical - that I can rely on your opinion that Miami will be the next Atlantis.

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