Thursday, November 21, 2019

On the fence

Lord knows I'm not on the fence about anything. Maybe I should have titled this about the fence.

As I took my morning walk today (I still go out weather permitting I only dress warmer) I noticed not one, not two, but three new fences. Okay Marty, what's your point? My point is they were all built with the slats going sideways, right to left, rather than up and down. Nothing wrong with that of course. But it looked on, not one , not two, but on all three, supremely odd.

I think part of it was that it was honestly scrambling my vertigo. I still have trouble with quick movements, and there were gaps enough in all three fences (perhaps three quarters of an inch between boards) so that if a car passed by its headlights would ripple along all those horizontal boards. I honestly felt dizziness coming on, so much so that I had to avert my eyes on passing each barricade. It's been several months since I've had a serious attack, but I became afraid I'd bring one on.

And these fences do look weird. I suppose there's a reason for them; artistic licence among fence constructors maybe. But you're messing with my reality man. Stop it.

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