Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A pox on both your houses

I'm mad at all of you right now and I don't mind saying it.

For starters, you folks on the left can can it. After spending all summer trying to play down rioting which caused billions of dollars in damage while also costing lives (and repressing our rights in the meanwhile) you don't have the moral authority to lecture me on what's happened in Washington. Keep your tsk-tsking to yourself. I don't wanna hear it.

To you rioters in the Capital, for shame. How could you possibly think this would help? It's simply wrong. Like it or not, Biden is going to be President. President Trump has made his case and it's come to naught. Has it occurred to you that this election might just be legit? Stop being petulant. You're only giving the political left and its media allies ammo. You should know better.

What this country needs right now is for Dad to loosen his belt and cough and say, "Now that'll do." Children, the whole friggin' lot of you.

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