Saturday, January 9, 2021

They'll do it every time

Until yesterday when I had it fixed I was having the oddest trouble with my new old van. I could only fill the gas tank slowly. The flow would cut off almost immediately if I tried to fill up at regular speed. It wasn't a huge problem; it required simply putting the gas in slow. But it was annoying, especially in the cold.

After dealing with it for about a month I decided to get it checked. It turns out that it wasn't venting correctly, a tiny pipe of some sort being plugged. The vent pipe allowed air to escape from the tank as it filled. With it blocked the air couldn't go anywhere unless the gas flow was slow enough to let it go out the larger tube where gas is added.

That perhaps inadequate explanation aside, I had resolved that, it not being the worst trouble in the world, I didn't want to spend too much. Mentally I settled on $200. More than that and I would just deal with it.

Within a couple hours my mechanic called me with an estimate of $202.57.

Of course I had him do it. But my shoulders actually slumped and I let out a sigh when he gave me that figure. It was like, really, forces of nature? Do you have to tease like that?

On the other hand I am rather anxious to gas up later today.

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