Monday, January 4, 2021

She still can joke

It can be difficult not to be melancholy when I take me Mom out on Sunday afternoons. Her mind is failing, and she's so obviously just a shell of the woman she once was that, well, it gets rough. So what I try to do is shoot some humor into our trips, as she is yet able to play along. It's a way that we can interact, and it does make the new memories fonder.

Yesterday was no different. She frequently talks about how much she enjoys just riding around, both with me on Sundays and with my siblings at other times. A typical point yesterday was when she said, "I love riding around!"

"I do too," I agreed. "I like the company too!" I added.

"I like the company too," me Mom responded.

Simply trying to tease I next remarked, "You know, one of is is probably lying."

Mom got a little impish grin on her face. Then she answered, trying to sound sheepish, "Well, that might be me."

I couldn't top it.

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