Sunday, May 16, 2021

Countrified music

Country songs seem to merit parody, don't they? This coming from a guy who likes country music, and I mean the old twangy stuff like Hank Williams all the way up to, oh, the late 1990s. I don't know much about any music since then, except for Weird Al. He's timeless.

But country begs for jokes almost more than any other style of music. Maybe it's the lyrics. This morning I happened to hear, I'm so lonesome I could cry. Not terrible, but I immediately found myself thinking...

I'm so hungry I could eat.

I'm so tired I could sleep.

I'm so thirsty I could drink.

I'm in so much actual physical pain I could take a Tylenol or even go into urgent care and maybe have surgery and spent a few days in the hospital recovering.

All right, that last one was kind of forced. But you get the point.

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