Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Marty is board

The title today is a bit of a pun. Please, let me explain.

I took my walk early this morning, then jumped in my new old van and went to the Shop to get a few things done. About 7:30 I decided to come home and check my email. Yes, I can check it on my phone (we don't have internet otherwise at the old barn) but the screen is so small and my fingers so fat that I can respond to emails better on my home computer. 

Hopping behind the wheel and starting the van, I hadn't gotten up to 10 miles an hour when I heard a rhythmic flit-flit-flit sound coming from my rear passenger's side. So of course I pulled over as even I know a bad sound when I hear it, and wouldn't ya know, there was screw in my tire. But to be fair, it was conveniently holding a piece of board onto the tread.

There were extra scratches along the wheel well, but that's okay. They blend into the existing scratches, so no harm done. As the tire didn't seem to be losing air, I drove it a block and left it by my brother's house. Me brother Phil is pretty handy about patching tires, he really is. I even left the board in place so that he could see where to fix the tire. And I figure with what wood is worth these days, the board will be enough to pay for the repair.

My only worry is that Phil will see this blog first and not to come to work, knowing what's in store for him.

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