Monday, May 17, 2021

Parental correction

We, well, the great majority of us I'm sure, had to deal with parental discipline as we grew up. We almost always deserved it too. But while I can't speak for everyone or every family I'll say this about mine: I'd rather have been disciplined by Dad than Mom any day.

Me Pops would cut to the chase and dole out punishment when I done wrong. Don't do that, it's wrong, you should know better, and then the paddling or the go to your room and think about what you did or the grounding would be issued. I might not like it but it was over and done.

Me Mom on the other hand typically wanted to talk about it. Why would you do that? Can you explain that to me? 

What's to explain? I took more cookies because I wanted more cookies. I stayed out late because I was having fun and wanted to keep having fun. I mean, by 8 or 10 years old I think even I realized that she was asking for a justification where it simply didn't exist. I knew it was wrong and I did it anyway. What else was there?

Yet the, I guess it was a sort of discussion about the given incident, would go out interminably. Of course, maybe that was the punishment now that I think about it: rubbing my nose in it.

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