Saturday, May 29, 2021

The upcoming great TP shortage of 2021

I think it's time for old Marty to stir the pot. I'm going to go shopping later today.

That doesn't seem like a big deal, but here's the thing: I'm going to pick up four shopping carts at the entrance to Meijer. Then I'll head straight to the toilet paper aisle and fill all four buggies to overflowing. I intend to put in every package of bathroom tissue I can keep from tumbling off as high of a stack as I can create in each cart. Maybe I'll bring along the bungee cords from my car to help stabilize the load. Then I'll carefully maneuver the carts to the checkout, doing my best to make sure everyone sees me. I'll go up and down unnecessary aisles for attention.

As I pay for the to TP I'll be grumbling loudly that I hope I'm buying enough. Then I'll head out to my van, openly complaining all over again. It will help that I'll get the carts with the squeekiest wheels possible to draw attention to me. I'm also hoping to buy enough that I can tie a ton of it to the luggage racks on top of the car so that everyone on the road can see me too.

So when the next toilet paper shortage begins, yours truly will have started it.

Quiet, Ron.

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