Sunday, May 30, 2021

The internal debate

I spent last weekend in the tiny village of Hessel, in Michigan's glorious Upper Peninsula. I'm glad that we weren't a state at the time of our little dispute with Ohio. I'd rather have da U.P. den Toledo. Nothing personal, honest, Toledo.

Anyway, when there I broke myself (I think) of a rather silly habit. On Monday afternoon I wanted a cup of coffee. So I had resolved to drive three miles into neighboring Cedarville and buy a cup at the gas station and convenience store there. My reason for not making coffee at the house was that I was leaving early Tuesday and wouldn't drink a whole pot of it before then. "So don't make a full one," something inside me said to me.

"Don't make a full pot of coffee?" I asked myself incredulously. "Who does that? How would you even go about it?"

"You put in half or a third of the grounds for a full pot using half or a third of the water," I explained to me.

"I can do that?" I questioned myself skeptically.

"Sure you can," I assured me. "You've got perfectly good tap water, and coffee that's already paid for. And it'll be done by the time you'd drive into town."

Shaking my head at my thoughts I said, "I don't know."

"What's to know?" And myself began filling the coffee pot half way before putting the water in the reservoir of the Mr. Coffee, and putting two scoops instead of four scoops of grounds into the container the hot water would run through. "You sure about this?" I asked as I hit the brew switch.

"Trust me," I replied.

Sure enough, in a few minutes I had hot coffee, without the trouble of driving into Cedarville. It seems I can be taught. It just has to by an expert teacher.

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