Monday, December 2, 2024

Whatever You Feel is Right for Cloyce

Me brother Phil and I routinely joke about how absurd it is when people say to do whatever you feel is right in a given situation. No; you should try your best to do what is right, feelings be damned. Now, I'm not trying to get all philosophical on you today, but you have to understand that principle as part of a years long running joke between he and I about feelings if you're to understand the following bit of humor.

Phil was working on an admittedly difficult repair yesterday for Cloyce's Plumbing. He began thinking out loud how to approach it, as though I might actually offer a useful hint. I finally said, "Do whatever you feel is right, bro," obviously referencing our running gag about the value of following your feelings.

"Well, I feel that there's no problem at all. So I'm going to take it back to Cloyce and charge him $100 for the inspection and analysis!" Phil said right back at me.

We laughed out loud. Cloyce didn't, ahem, feel it was all that funny though.

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