Monday, May 16, 2022

Grandpaw's Coffee

I hate trigger warnings but, hell, sometimes they add to the joke. And this is only a joke, a family remark which actually offends both major parties when you think about it. There's a shot at a Republican and a Democrat so, you know, it's an equal opportunity put down. 

Okay, part of what brought this to mind is surely the recent rampant inflation, but whatcha gonna do? That is what it is. This is not meant as a shot at any currently active politician. Honest. It's only a family story.

Like quite a few people in my family tree, me Grandpaw Hutchins loved his coffee. Me Mom to this day will remark with laughter, "Daddy used to always give us coffee, and Mom would complain, Mal (what me Grandmaw Hutchins often called him, short for his name Malachi) you can't give them young 'uns coffee!"

"It ain't gonna hurt them, Mae," he'd softly respond.

Coffee prices jumped huge during the terrible inflation in the late 1970s. Someone asked Grandpaw, "Mal, you gonna have to cut back on yer coffee ain't ya?"

He simply answered in his quiet drawl, "Hoover couldn't make me quit drinking coffee, Carter won't either."

Grandpaw was going to get his jitter juice, and no mere President was about to stop him.

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