Friday, December 23, 2022

Dadburn Literal Computers

I just went through an excruciatingly aggravating episode with my AOL account. I kept getting told that my password was incorrect, even though I was sure I had been typing it in quite correctly. I was at the point of hitting every key quite precisely to be absolutely certain that AOL and my computer understood my intent.

In my mind I was doing everything right, of course. But somehow AOL wasn't accepting that very obvious fact, and I was getting very angry.

Then I noticed that some numbskull who shall remain nameless (because it wouldn't be fair even to call him Cloyce in this instance) had hit the CAPS LOCK key. So of course AOL wasn't understanding my password. I was essentially hammering it in precisely the opposite of what it literally was. Make sense?

So I was mad at AOL, the Internet, and computers in general all the while the victim of my own mistake. I'm glad I didn't raise too much of a ruckus.

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