Thursday, October 27, 2022

In Defense of the Dad Principle

The other day I wrote about how hung up on time I thought me Pops could be. But in defense of the Dad Principle of Worthy Timekeeping, there's a lot to be said for it.

You can mark time but it's difficult (and generally impossible) to make it up. If you're fifteen minutes early, what? You twiddle your thumbs for a little bit, that's all. But if you're fifteen minutes late, you're just late.

What can that mean? You could have to reschedule a critical appointment. You might lose a job, or perhaps miss out on a good sale or other opportunity. If you miss a plane, train, or automobile you could miss a family holiday or function, or an important business meeting. 

Then there's always - I will say it - you won't get the best seat at an event, or the best parking space, the one where it's easiest to bug out when the show's over. Real Dads understand the importance of egress.

Sure, you don't want to go overboard. Yet early beats late. It's simply a dad maxim.

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