Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Clear Your Cache

I think I spelled cache right. A cache is a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place. So am I told, anyway, by some random online dictionary. Voice mailboxes on your cell phone count as that, don't they?

Well, whatever. I can't tell you how often - it happens much more than you would think - I call or return a call to a customer and cannot leave a message because their voice mailbox is full. You would think that someone ostensibly running a business might want to be able to receive messages, might think about clearing his cache to do so, but what do I know? 

Similarly, I will call plumbers and drain cleaners - supposedly well established plumbers and such - only to be told by a robotic voice, that 'the person you are trying reach has a voice mailbox which has not been set up'. Hadn't you better do that? I mean, if you in fact want customers to be able to communicate with you?

But again, what do I know? I run a business trying to make money. I like to get my messages and be able to return calls. Perhaps I missed that voicemail. But if so, not because it wasn't set up, or there wasn't room for it. 

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