Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sundays Without Mom

I really don't intend to be at all melancholy here. Intellectually, I knew this day would come. Then too, I've already not had the previous two Sundays with Mom anyway. That's just how things happened to play out. So today is the first real Sunday where I will not be driving her around looking at neighborhoods, going to Ollie's or Rural King, and eating the inevitable cheeseburgers for lunch with a large Diet Coke with no, mind you, no ice. You better have gotten that right.

At first I really wasn't sure what to do with my Sundays without feeling in the dumps. Now I think I'm simply going to take the next few and consciously do things I would not have done with her anyway, all to gain distance from the idea that Sunday was my day with Mom. Today the Tigers play at Noon, their last home game of the year, so that's my choice this week. I'm going to the ballpark.

Interesting story. She liked to watch baseball on TV with me Pops but never cared for actually going to a game. She went to old Tiger Stadium once, with Dad and me brother Ed as I recall, and never would go back. Yet when we would pass Michigan and Trumbull, the storied 'corner' where the Stadium once sat, she would without fail decry the fact that apartments now stood where it had for almost a century. "I can't believe they tore down a place like Tiger Stadium for those ugly things!" she observed every time. I emphatically agreed.

One weekend soon I'll go up to Hessel a final time for the season. Another, I might get out the clubs and golf. I haven't swung a club since 2019. Some say I never usefully swung one before then; you don't need to be quiet about that Ron. The Ohio Cosgriffs will be up in a couple of weeks for a weekend of picking apples and buying Halloween pumpkins for Jack O'lanterns, so there's that. Henry Ford Museum is another target; I haven't been there in several years. By that point six, maybe seven weeks will have passed without a Sunday road trip. The spell, perhaps, shall be broken.

Still, every few weekends I may just trek out to Romeo or Plymouth, Ann Arbor or Adrian, and look at the old houses. Just to do it.

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