Sunday, October 30, 2022

Maserati Pizza Guy

The other day while on the road in the late afternoon near Utica, Michigan, I saw a pizza delivery guy. He was tooling along with the removeable sign of a pizza place adorned on the roof of his car. His Maserati, in fact.

Maseratis are high end luxury cars which have a bottom end price of about $80,000, according to my low tech yet reliably scientific Internet search. But here's a fella delivering pizzas in one.

Either pizza delivery is much more lucrative than I imagined (perhaps it has a James Bond element which has somehow been overlooked) or Junior borrowed Dad's car. Not, I would think, that any Dad who could afford a Maserati and a family would allow his progeny to use his glamor car for a mundane teenage after school job. 

"But Daaad, I need the money for my date with white bread WASP girl this weekend," Junior had pleaded.

"Oh, let him use the car, Ward, dear," Mother would gently insist, staring above her knitting as Junior looked on hopefully.

I don't know about you, but neither angle seems plausible to me. Yet there it was: the Maserati Pizza Guy.

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