Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The World Turned Upside Down

I had nothing this morning. Then, and this is serendipity for me as a history maven, I had something.

Having placed myself in front of the computer with nary an idea of what to expound upon this great day, I decided to resort to one of me old tricks. I opened a new web page and searched for this day in history. And Bob's yer Uncle, there it was.

On this date in 1781, a day we remember as an anniversary 241 years later, Lord Cornwallis surrendered Yorktown to the combined American and French armies, his being surrounded on land, and cut off from a sea escape by a French fleet under Admiral de Grasse. There would be no further significant fighting in the American Revolution.

So there you have it. The world was turned upside down, as the British were defeated by a ragtag Colonial Army. Independence was secured. Maybe I'm glad I began the day with writer's cramp.

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