Sunday, February 12, 2023

Disappointment Reigns

All right, I'll fess up immediately and concede that disappointment didn't actually reign. But it did sigh heavily.

Believe it or not, I am sometimes enamored with new things. Or, as the case may be, in relatively new things, as halogen lights have been around for awhile. Decipher Marty's will as you may (Quiet Ron), I had a long put off chore to do in a dark corner of my basement and elected to buy a floor model halogen light to facilitate actually doing the job. I'm glad I did, because it really lit up the place. I could set it down and, unlike an old drop cord where you could never quite find the right angle, or, Heaven forbid, a narrow beam flashlight whose help is marginal, Halogen Light illuminated the area perfectly while out of the way to the side. I'm in love.

I was truly giddy with excitement at the thought of the first use of my new toy. As I cleared the area of the flotsam and jetsam which basements naturally attract in order to access the spot, all I could think of and in the absolute joy of anticipation (I mean this; I was absurdly excited) was putting that new halogen lamp to use. Once everything was set so that I could triumphantly see to the task, I grabbed the box with the light and tore it open as though it were a Christmas present and I was eight.

And it needed to be assembled.

Wha-what? Assembly? That's going to take nine, ten minutes! I want to use now!

True, disappointment did not reign. But it sighed. Heavily.


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