Sunday, February 19, 2023

She Didn't Mean It

I did have to chastise Mom once. Mildly.

A few years back someone gave her a bunch of small, magnetic voice balloons. They looked exactly like what you see in a comic strip when the characters spoke: a cloud of sorts floating above their heads containing what they were saying. They held short sayings along the lines of "I Love You" "That's cool" and such on each one. Mom used the stickers to hold things like birthday cards and what not up on her metal kitchen cabinet doors.

Absently mindedly checking them out as I visited one day, I saw that the one she used on a holy card with Joseph and Mary, Jesus' mother and earthly father, said, "Go away!"

"Mom!" I teased her when I saw it. "Look what you have Mary saying!"

She got up from her chair and walked over to the cabinet. Putting her hand over her mouth to cover an embarrassed smile (or was it a teenage smirk?) she said, "Oh my. I'll have to change that!" 

Wholly inadvertent, but funny just the same.

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