Monday, February 20, 2023

Reviewing Reviews

I must admit that it's heartening to read good reviews of one's own stories. Currently there are three books of mine, A Subtle Armageddon, Michael's Story, and David Gideon, available here Armageddon here Michael's and here David Gideon on Amazon (and other sales platforms too). 

This year, my vows are to improve my life and self discipline in general. As part of that, I'm striving to be more proactive with my writing. That means a blog post every day (which I've pretty much achieved for the last several years anyway) while promoting my books. Now that I'm seeing progress, it's become one of those V8 moments where I realize I should have been more committed to my authorship years ago.

It's been fun so far. All three books are hovering around 4 of 5 stars in review; indeed I only had one review as low as a two. I take it all as good. 

One thing I am telling myself is not to, ahem, read too much into the good or the bad. Some people just won't like your work and some may be being overly kind. Indeed, the sole (so far) two star review (of A Subtle Armageddon) actually touches on worries I've had about the book from the start. If there are things which concern me I can't be too upset if someone else sees them too. Further, and although the overall reviews are good, Michael's Story is scoring the least (3.9 average as I type this), which surprises me. I thought it would be Armageddon, precisely because I feared it was obscure while believing Michael's Story more straightforward. Go figure; maybe we are our own worst critics.

So as of today things are going well, and I appreciate the support of everyone out there. Just reading the daily blog helps more than you might think, because in the long run hits on it help get my name out there. I simply hope that it's all as enjoyable for you as it is for me.  

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