Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Consumer Inquisition

There is a certain Big Appliance Store which I will never deal with again. I find I am not alone in that.

While talking to a neighbor the subject of buying various products came up. I mentioned there was one place that I would not deal with. He immediately responded, "You must mean Big Appliance Store. They pounce on you right as you enter the door. I'll never go there again either."

I told him he hit the nail on the head. It's one thing to be asked if I might be helped. It's another to be jumped at like it was an inquisition. "Good morning! What would you like? What can I show you? This is on sale! That is on sale! I'll start drawing up the paperwork."

No you won't. I know what I'm here for. I'll look around and get you if I need you, thank you very much. Now push off.

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