Tuesday, July 25, 2023


I am against censorship, the one which we are usually thinking about when it comes to free speech. But I am also against sensor-ship. Our cars especially have too many whistles and bows which tell us all sorts of things which are generally unnecessary.

Check engine light? That's a frequent 'warning' which in the high ninety-ninth percentile means absolutely nothing. But folks panic when they see it come on. Tire low warning light? I have dealt with several vehicles where the problem wasn't the tires but the sensors themselves. Yet it comes on and everything's a catastastroke. 

If your engine is running fine and you're not low of fluids or something is obviously wrong (an unusual noise or some such), ignore check engine signals. If your tires look fine then the sensor is likely too, uh, sensitive. 

You know who benefits from this over refinement? Your car dealers and mechanics, who make money on your fear. I say, don't give them the satisfaction.

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