Saturday, July 1, 2023

Never Again

Bulk stores tempt us to buy bulk; I suppose that's their purpose in life. But as I related before here: Oatmeal that's not necessarily a good idea.

Last August I bought a 52 serving box of flavored oatmeal, individually packed. I ate the last three this morning. On purpose: I was down to three and I was sick of eating oatmeal even once a week and I poured them all into a bowl and finished it off. Yes, mixed with boiling water. Who would eat oatmeal dry, except maybe Mr. Ed?

I am now officially sick of oatmeal. Sure, I'll have more some day. But it will out of the 12 serving boxes from the local grocery store. I'll never again buy it in such huge packages. I mean it. 

Or at least, right this minute I mean it. 

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