Thursday, July 13, 2023

Power of Suggestion

Remember yesterday when I told you of going to Perry Bolt, ah, American Integrated Supply for some self locking nuts? It turns out I had to go a second time for a length of key stock. At least, that's what I call it. I needed a short piece of 3/16 x 3/16 square steel 3/4 of an inch long for a keyway in a metal shaft. I knew that I'd have to buy a length of it and cut it to size, but that was okay. I'd need more later. 

Walking to the counterman at AIS (maybe it is easier to say that than even Perry Bolt) I told him what I wanted. "We have that in 12 foot lengths," the man explained.

I asked in shock and surprise, "Twelve foot lengths?" I wouldn't use that much in decades. My kids would one day far in the future be wondering what the heck it was and why I needed a twelve foot piece. Well, an Eleven Foot 11 and a 1/4 inch long  piece. And where would I put it?

The man shook his head to clear it. "Twelve inch lengths," he corrected himself.

"Okay," I responded. "Give me a twelve foot length."

He grinned and replied, "I just told you they come in twelve inch lengths, Marty."

Once an idea gets into your head, right?

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