Sunday, July 8, 2018

Everyone is intolerant.

The title says it all: everyone is intolerant. Every. Single. Person. The parent is intolerant of the child who won't clean their room or do their homework. The jury is intolerant of the criminal; Republicans were intolerant of President Obama's last choice of Supreme Court justice. Yes, I'm making this political. But you expected that, didn't you?

We all have things we will not tolerate. The reason the left is howling about whomever President Trump will nominate to fill Justice Kennedy's spot on the Supreme Court is because they will not (presumably, although I can't imagine the President nominating anyone they would like) tolerate that currently unknown person's views. That is actually two instances of intolerance, when you think about it. One is the knee jerk negative reaction to what the President might do, the other an automatic presumption about an unknown. Ah, but we conservatives are so terribly intolerant.

And the fact is we are. We don't want people in office or on the bench who will do things we don't like. We are intolerant of that and will (and have) worked against such folk.

So call me intolerant. I am. I've said before, calls for tolerance mean nothing outside of context. What do you wish me to tolerate? Why ought I do so? The fact is that blanket calls for tolerance are simply banal and trite. Tell me why I need to be tolerant. If your reasoning is right and true, I will tolerate whatever is at hand.

Short of that, I must conclude that pleas for tolerance are nothing more than the progressive left in America trying to cow the center and right to accept what they want. That being their game, I suggest that the best response is a yawn.


Mike said...

I find it sad when it comes to picking a new supreme court judge, that u would find it to be alright to have a swing vote picked that could take the legal right to abortion from millions of women because of your own religious convictions, trump makes me glad that I am Canadian and live in Canada, our supreme Court is a fair minded court on most issues, the big issue our gov't fails it's people on is when it comes to Indigenous rights of its people. Gov't is not fair to that group, otherwise it isn't too bad.

Anonymous said...

Well, abortion is a moral issue, not a religious issue. Why shouldn't society have the right to ban it?