Monday, July 30, 2018

Legal courtesies

I saw an old friend of mine yesterday; I'll call him Cloyce just to give him a name. Cloyce had called earlier in the week and said he had an extra ticket to Sunday's Tiger game and would I like to go. Sure, thanks. "I'll pick you up at Noon," he offered.

He picks me up, and a few minutes later we're caught by the traffic light at Woodward here in Detroit, where we had to make a right turn to go towards Comerica Park where the Tigers play. Cloyce is of course in the curb (turn) lane. The driver next to us toots her horn and rolls down her window. Cloyce rolls down his. "I'm supposed to turn here. Can I turn in front of you?" the woman asked.

Cloyce thought for a second before answering in a legalistic tone, "I don't think so", and went on and turned himself. I tell you, he answered as though she was asking his opinion on whether a turn from the second lane (where she was) was legal.

After he turned I immediately said, "Uh, Cloyce, she was asking if she could turn in front of you." He responded, "Really? "I'm not familiar with how you do things in the city."

As it happened the next light caught us and so did the woman. On my side, and she was glaring. "We're going to get shot!" fretted Cloyce. "No we're not," I assured him.

I rolled down my window and apologized profusely. "We're sorry, we're very, very sorry. It was a misunderstanding, honest."

She sneered, "Uh-huh" as though she didn't believe that at all (though it was the truth). But then Cloyce let her in front of him and we were past the crisis.

It was funny as all get out though. I still hear his naive, matter of fact 'I don't think so' as I write.

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