Monday, July 2, 2018

I have a bridge in Brooklyn

And why does this justification only pertain to sexuality: was Bernie Madoff born to defraud the unsuspecting out of their life savings?

The above quote is from an article by one Matthew Hanley, a Catholic bioethicist. You may read the entire article here:

He was attacking, rightly attacking I will argue, the 'born this way' argument by which society has begun to allow almost every kind of sexuality anybody might want. Yet if being born a certain way means that one cannot possibly help how they act (and as argued by the left it certainly must), then how do we condemn Madoff? Why couldn't he have been born that way? Maybe he couldn't help but do what he did, you know.

That's the crux of the problem with being born any given way. If I cannot condemn your actions because hey, that's just how you are, then how dare you condemn my actions for being Catholic? For voting for Trump? For loving baseball and tradition and conservatism and acting on that? I can't help it guys. I was born that way.

Born this way justifies nothing. Not. One. Thing. An action is either moral or it is not. If it is, we can do it. If it is not we cannot. Period. If you don't understand that, well, let me talk you about this bridge in Brooklyn I'm trying to unload.

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