Monday, July 9, 2018

The joking priest

Father Sherer was thought by some to be a curmudgeonly old priest, and maybe he was in some ways. But he was also a bit of a joker.

Me Pops was an usher for years at old St. Dominic in Detroit. One of his chores was to see that the sacristy was in order after a service. One Sunday as he went about his business he handed the collection money to Father Hennessey, a quiet and humble priest I've mentioned before and who had just said that particular Mass. He took the small bag to put in the safe in the rectory.

Before Pops had finished an elderly gentleman had come to the sacristy. He explained that he was an old friend of Fr. Hennessey and wondered if he might see him. Pops said he would get him from the rectory.

Pops ran into Fr. Sherer first. "Have you seen Fr. Hennessey?" Dad asked. Father replied no.

"Well, a friend would like to see him, and I sent him in here with the collection money."

Fr. Sherer grabbed Dad by the shoulders and in mock horror exclaimed, "You gave the collection to Hennessey? He's halfway to Toledo by now!" Father Hennessey didn't have a thieving bone in his body of course.

Pops just laughed heartily. Fr. Sherer went to get Fr. Hennessey, and that was that.

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