Tuesday, May 26, 2020

It comes with age

I have gotten into the habit of eating lunch for breakfast. By that I mean I eat after my morning walk and typically skip actual lunch. It gives me longer to burn the daily fat, I figure, and I am typically not hungry at Noon either. Still, it qualifies as lunch for breakfast. I usually eat a sandwich.

So I walked, went by the Shop for a bit to refresh myself on what items I needed to order today, and came home. Going into the kitchen, I gathered all the sandwich stuff I had decided I wanted this morning, made lunch for breakfast, and went before the computer to see what was up. You know, to write this blog and stuff.

As the computer booted up I took a bite of my sandwich. All I tasted was bread and mayo.

I set the food back down on the napkin which I was purposefully using as a plate and traced my steps back to the kitchen table. There sat open lunch meat and an open package of cheese as well as the condiments I had meant to yet did not use. I had absentmindedly made myself a mayonnaise sandwich for lunch.

No, I wasn't going to write about this today. It's simply that I'm curious: does this sort of forgetfulness come with age?

I'm asking for a friend, because I forgot where I was going with this.

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