Sunday, May 31, 2020

This isn't about George Floyd

Okay, I know this is going to grate on many friends and relatives before I say it. But these protests are no longer organic. They are no longer about police brutality. They are no longer about George Floyd. They are about violence for the sake of violence, or worse. Violence for the sake of tearing us apart.

I'm surely not the only one who's noticed that the anti-government protests against the corona virus panic never turned violent. They did not turn violent even when gun toting protesters 'stormed' the Michigan Capitol in Lansing. Yet the anti-government protests supposedly about the death of George Floyd routinely do. It is fair to ask, why is that?

At this minute, I'm just asking the question. I firmly believe that most protesters mean no ill. Indeed, that the overwhelming majority mean quite well. Yet it must be remarked that an organized minority can incite a lot of mayhem. There is simply too much violence to not at least consider that such may be the case.

Racism is wrong. The murder of George Floyd was wrong. Yet as there has been nearly universal condemnation of his murder, how is violence drawing better attention to the evil of that act? And considering that things are moving very swiftly towards a serious prosecution of the perpetrators, what actual purpose is the violence serving?

Not justice for George Floyd. Something, I fear, more sinister. Something which might lead to more unjust death for many more innocent people of all persuasions. And it would only take a few people to hijack justice for more nefarious aims.

1 comment:

dick said...

absolutely correct. this is merely pent up rage about just about everything wrong in our lives.