Saturday, May 23, 2020

Fool you once

I really got nothing today. I hate writer's block.

I'll take my usual daily constitutional in a few minutes. I'll end up at the Shop and make a cup of coffee on my Newark Keurig. I'll repair some cables and do a few other things I couldn't get to during the regular week.

Then I'll go home, clean up, watch a bit of TV, and read. My current book is The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, a Lord Peter Wimsey novel by Dorothy Sayers. Wimsey is kind of Dorothy's Sherlock Holmes. I've read a couple others of that series. They're not bad, especially if you like murder mysteries.

Then sleep, waking up early to watch Korean baseball. That's it.

Perhaps I had something to write after all, even if it is rather mundane. And I've either fooled myself into writing a blog, or fooled you into reading it.

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